ADS Western has been working with the counties of Kakamega, Vihiga, Nandi and Transnzoia in climate change governance programmes that aim to establish climate change fund mechanisms in order to increase funding for climate change and integration of climate change in county planning and budgeting. This has been through funding from LREB, ADA and Christian Aid.
The following are the main key areas of focus of ADS Western in climate change governance programs:
- Increased awareness of citizens on climate change through sensitization forums at Ward Levels, radio programs, County assembly and executive County level in the three counties (Nandi, Kakamega and Vihiga)
- Supported development and enactment of climate change legislative documents Climate Change Act, Bills and Regulations in the three counties (Climate Change Acts and policies were enacted in Vihiga, Nandi, and Transzoia Counties)
- Supported the establishment of climate change governance structures at County and Ward Levels in Vihiga, Kakamega and Nandi.
- Supported drafting of the County Climate Information Service Plans for the counties (Vihiga and Nandi).