Mary Masase Nyamusi, caregiver beneficiary Lwandeti ward.

Mary Nyamusi Masase is a caregiver and a widow aged 46 years taking care of 5 OVC (4M,1F) who are all of school-going age. Mary was enrolled in OVC programming in 2016. She was identified through the case management process as one of the caregivers who was transitioned from APHIA PLUS. She is a PLWHIV. Life was not easy as she was the sole breadwinner who was supposed to ensure that Children had to receive all the basic needs including the 4 core domains of the MWENDO OVC Project. Her children found it hard to go to school, get home clothes, access medical services, know their HIV status, access a balanced diet and to acquire birth certificates. Mary was living in denial since she never knew that she would ever be in a position to take care of her children and eve suppress her Viral Load.

CPARA assessment conducted by a CHV indicated that the household was highly vulnerable and was at 0-7 benchmark. This called for immediate intervention to ensure that the household was supported to acquire all the birth certificates and NHIF. Mary was trained in business skills and given a grant of 5, 000, and an umbrella as a productive asset to restart her business since she was a member of a SILC group. She was also actively involved in the small business of selling groundnuts along Kaburengu junction. This aimed at ensuring that Mary could be in a position to take care of her children and sustain herself.

Upon receiving the benefits, Mary changed from selling ground nuts and ventured into the maize roasting business and glossary business. This business thrived well and looking at her records, her net income increased from Kes 5,000 to 11,000 monthly. She joined a SILC group for savings and loaning and she was selected as the chairperson. This enabled her to take loans to boost her business and thus provide for their household needs.

Through this intervention, she has been able to attend her normal facility appointment at Webuye-Ampath on time resulting in her suppressed viral loads by 67%. This has enabled her to become an ambassador to other clients facing HIV/AIDS stigma. Mary is now able to provide for all her children’s needs.

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