Breastfeeding Twins: Happiness for Betina

Living in a modest village with scarce resources and limited knowledge about proper breastfeeding, Betina’s initial days were filled with uncertainty and fatigue.

“Breastfeeding one baby is challenging enough, but with twins, I felt overwhelmed,” Betina recalls.

Her primary challenges were ensuring both babies received adequate nutrition, managing a low milk supply, and maintaining her own health and energy levels.

Betina received support from ADS W Western in partnership with ADS Nyanza. The ADSW nutrition team provided her with the much-needed knowledge and assistance to overcome her challenges. “They taught me how to express milk and store it safely, so I could ensure both babies were fed even when I was exhausted,” Betina says. This support included training on the best positions to breastfeed twins simultaneously and how to properly latch the babies.

Betina represents many women who face breastfeeding challenges. Her transformation story is a true indication that, with support, mothers can achieve much during breastfeeding.

Steps to Successful Breastfeeding

Prepare Yourself Physically and Mentally

  • Ensure you are well-nourished and hydrated.
  • Create a calm, comfortable environment for breastfeeding.

Proper Positioning

  • Use pillows or cushions to support your back and arms.
  • Try different positions, such as the football hold, cross-cradle, or side-lying, to find what works best for you and your babies.

Latch On Correctly

  • Ensure your baby’s mouth covers a large part of the areola, not just the nipple.
  • Check for signs of a good latch: your baby’s mouth is wide open, their lips are flanged out, and you can hear regular swallowing.

Alternate Breasts

  • Alternate the starting breast with each feeding to stimulate milk production evenly.
  • Keep track of which breast you last used to ensure both are adequately drained.

Express and Store Milk

  • Learn to express milk manually or with a pump.
  • Store expressed milk in clean, labeled containers in the refrigerator or freezer.

Betina’s journey highlights that with determination, proper guidance, and support, every mother can provide the best start for her children. By following the steps to successful breastfeeding and seeking help when needed, mothers can overcome challenges and ensure their babies thrive.

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