Bridging the Gap between Agriculture and Nutrition

After a series of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and nutrition training by ADS-W under the Kenya Feed the Future Crops and Dairy Market Systems (KCDMs) Project, Mr Peter Ouma of Kilimo Biashara Group in Matungu can now produce his own ALVs for family consumption, sell the surplus and incorporate fruits in his diet. Mr Ouma has been trained on various technologies for African Leafy Vegetables (ALVs) production such as raised beds, which conserve soil moisture, precise planting that reduces seed wastage and Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) which ensures sustainable land use.

He is happy to note that diet/nutrition-related diseases have greatly reduced in his family. Money earned from the sale of ALVs caters for buying poultry feeds and household essentials. Mr. Ouma and his wife Mama Mary keep 100 improved chickens, which were partly acquired from the sale of ALVs and sub, cede from the County Government of Kakamega. He earned Ksh.50, 000 from the sale of chicken that he used to pay his son’s school fees and drill a borehole which ensures the family has access to safe water for household use and ALVs irrigation. They also produce bananas which go for an average price of Ksh.600 a bunch.

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