ADS Western, in partnership with CORDAID, hosted a three day inception meeting for the Rural Kenya Financial Inclusion Facility (RK-FINFA) project. This project focuses on agricultural financing and operates in Kakamega, Siaya, Busia, Trans Nzoia, Nandi, and Kisii counties.
The RK-FINFA project aims to address gaps in agricultural financing by strengthening capacity and offering support to financial institutions in developing relevant products. Farmers and their groups will receive training in financial literacy, risk management, and operational digitalization for village savings and loan associations (VSLAs).
The project will also provide coaching, mentorship, and access to ALP training programs. It includes a digital market access platform to link farmers to markets, enabling them to better connect with buyers. Additionally, market studies, value chain linkages, and round-table discussions among actors in the agricultural value chain are key elements of the program.
This initiative prioritizes practical support to smallholder farmers, equipping them with tools and knowledge to improve their financial and market access.
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