About ADS Western

The Anglican Development Services, Western Region is a Faith-based development organization registered on 6th of January 1997 as Anglican Church of Kenya – Western Region Christian Community Services (ACKWRCCS). It was however rebranded in 2014 giving its current name of Anglican Development Services (ADS)-Western limited in the context of a national realignment within the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK). It is the development arm of the six (6) dioceses of the Anglican Church of Kenya Western Region namely: Bungoma, Butere, Katakwa, Maseno North, Mumias and Nambale Dioceses.

ADS Western has worked primarily with community groups in Vihiga, Kakamega, Busia and Bungoma since inception with the aim of realizing sustainable development. From time to time, the work of ADS has stretched to neighbouring Counties. This has been made possible through building partnerships with communities and other relevant stakeholders. Currently, the total coverage area of ADS-W is estimated to be 8,435 sq. km with an estimated population of over 5,013,873 according to the 2019 census (GoK, 2019). In her socio-development model, ADSW embraces problem identification, problem solving, capacity building and informed decision making as tools for community empowerment. This enables the targeted population to think critically and find solutions to their own problems.




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