1997-2001 Milestones

ADS Western In Numbers

ACK-WRCC was founded in 1997 due to the need for regionalization which enhanced trickle down of resources to regions from ACK Provincial development office. The five dioceses (Nambale, Katakwa, Maseno, Bungoma and Maseno north, ACK-WRCC new region.

Internal resource mobilization among dioceses enabled them contribute 100,000/= to set up an office. Establishment of the governance structure and appointment of the first ACK- WRCCC Regional Development Manager Mr. Davis Omanyo and then presided over to Canon Zacchaeus Masake together with the First Board of Directors in place chaired by Bishop Were. ACK-WRCCS was divided into 4 catchment areas based on the different demographic, climate conditions and soil types across the province. The areas included Eastern (Emuhaya, Butere Lugari/Likuyani), Mountain (Bungoma), Sugar belt (Mumias, Lurhambi, malava, Shinyalu) and Lake (Busia County). 

Partnership Agreement with donors namely EZE currently Brot for the World, Christian Reformed Relief committee-Kenya(CRWRC) currently World Renew Kenya, Tearfund, MAP international, MS Kenya was operationalized for enhanced resource mobilization and sustainability of the operations and activities. WRCCS engagement with MS Kenya, the Danish Association for international cooperation undertook a community rehabilitation program in Busia District, the program was undertaken by Ministry of Health with the main focus on medical provision and community sensitization regarding the plight of the disabled.

Lives of 5000 people was positively affected through programs in food security (Bee keeping, amaranths, tomatoes, maize) income generation (table banking and merry go round), health $ water resource development Amaranths and bee keeping was highly adopted by 2400 beneficiaries in Teso south, Kakamega (eastern area) and Bungoma.

Started with 2 bicycles and acquired one vehicle through loan to support operations.

Bridging the Gap between Agriculture and Nutrition ADS WESTERN REGION



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